Monday, December 10, 2012

Women vs Men

It’s Christmas time again and all through the house, not a creature was stirring except a little mouse. My wife woke up when she heard the clatter, then pushed me out of bed to see what was the matter. As I tried, to get off the floor, she through me some  mouse traps and pointed at the door. I knew at once just what I was to do, so I grabbed the mouse traps and away I flew. Out the door and into the hall, I found some cheese and loaded them all. I set them carefully all through the house, and knew at once that I would catch that mouse. As I got through and ran back to bed, I pulled the blankets back over my head. I turned my head to fall back to sleep, then into my thoughts a message did creep. I turned to my wife and said with a grin, why didn’t you get up to deal with them. She just laughed as my head felt a blow, that is your job didn’t you know. I thought I taught you years ago, that I find the problems you make them go. Then she turned her head and shut off the light, and said maybe you’ll learn, and oh goodnight.
I did a little survey recently and randomly asked women and men who was the boss of their house. Of course the men bragged and told me that they were the men of their house. And that anything they said the woman of the house had no choice but to do. One man that I happen to work with, said that his woman knows better than to question what he says. Of course the women that I interviewed said totally opposite. They all said that they were in charge of the relationship.
I personally, through years of marriage, found out that the woman is in charge of the house.  And as for the man from work, his wife showed up to work one day. She pulled up to the curb in front of the car wash that we work at and yelled at him to come over to the car. You see, the man I am referring to was right in the middle of bragging on how he was in charge as she pulled up. Once he heard her voice he bowed his head and said ” Sorry, I’m coming, I’ll be there right away”.  And off he went reaching into his pocket, pulling out some cash without being asked, handed it to her and said goodbye as she drove out of site. When he came back I said, In charge eay.  He said, alright, I don’t want to hear it.  Strike one for the men.
I once was told by a pastor of the church why women are mainly in charge of the relationship. He told me it has to do with the beginning of the world. When Adam and Eve first set foot on this planet. He said that after Eve ate the forbidden fruit, God punished her and every woman from there on. As for the man, God did not punish him, he just kicked him out of Paradise because he allowed Eve to eat from the forbidden fruit. Therefore, men today are still living in a paradise state of mind. If it were not for a woman in our lives, we would get nothing done. That is because what ever happens in our lives would be cool. We have that La La La mentality.
So thanks to all of you wonderful women  for helping us through our lives. If it were not for you we would be nothing. We love you all.
I have to go, I just seen a mouse.


  1. Wow Joe...this was good! I like hearing some of your thoughts. Although, I think your pastor (former?) has a few misogynistic ideas....

  2. Hey! Didn't know that you had a blog!! I'll have to subscribe to it so I can keep up!!

  3. Thanks, I always liked writing, just didn't have the time. And as for the pastor, I thought he described men fairly well. Most guys I know all have that screw it attitude.
