Thursday, January 3, 2013

The New Year

So, it is the New Year. Although, it seems like the old year. Nothing seems to change anymore, still have to go to work the next day, still have to eat, drink, and live the same way as before. Wow Nothings changed. 

I wish for those days when I was younger, when New Years had a meaning. Just the feel of the day was different. The older you get the more meaningless it becomes. The whole holiday seemed different to me. It did not seem like Christmas either. It came and went so fast. 

I guess it's the feeling that you used to get that's missing. Christmas used to be a relaxing time, where family members came together after opening presents on Christmas morning. You used to set around and laugh and talk, watch the Christmas parade on TV as the kids went outside to play and try out their new toys. There was the smell of winter in the air as you walked out the door to watch the kids play. A nice clean crisp smell. It was silent in the neighborhood as all the other families were doing the same thing. Then as your standing outside you would sigh as you felt all the pressures of Christmas disappear. The holiday spirit was alive and well in the old days. But not anymore. 

Why you ask?

Because, everyone is so busy now days, Nobody slows down during the holidays anymore. There is always something to do, somewhere to go, someone to text, and something to watch. No one seems to have time for a family gathering anymore. You just bounce from house to house and see who you can before you have to go back to work the next day. I used to work for Presto Industries, and before Christmas we would get a healthy bonus, a turkey, and time off to spend with the family. We didn't have to go back to work until after New Years. Those were the days. The whole world has changed in such a short time. Take Texting for instance.  Just the other day at work I was told by a person that they received a smart phone for Christmas. 
and was told that now they could talk into the phone and it would type a message to the person that their calling. Doe's that sound stupid or is it just me. Why don't you just talk to the person your calling. Your already calling them. Is everything that secret anymore that we cant talk to each other. Or maybe it's that technology has made us too lazy anymore. We can just write a text saying Merry Christmas and send it to everybody in a matter of seconds. That way we don't have to write anything.  

Well I must go for now, but I will be back. Until then, have a very happy and generous New Year. 

See Ya. 

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