Monday, January 28, 2013


A trip to the moon on a sea of clouds.   I took this two days ago while getting off of work.

A Horse roaming the desert.

Just kidding , its a horse on top of a sign.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Good morning

Good morning everybody.  Today has started beautifully, the sun is coming through our window and warming the forever cold house we live in. Looks like we came out of that cold snap that we were in. Thank God.

My wife just came in and said I don't blog for crap. So, In that case, can I get some of you people out there to write me back and explain to me just how to blog. Please. Read my other post and get back with me on how to make my blogs Not so crappy.  I can take criticism really well. It makes you stronger in the long run.

Thank you in Advance.


Thursday, January 3, 2013

The New Year

So, it is the New Year. Although, it seems like the old year. Nothing seems to change anymore, still have to go to work the next day, still have to eat, drink, and live the same way as before. Wow Nothings changed. 

I wish for those days when I was younger, when New Years had a meaning. Just the feel of the day was different. The older you get the more meaningless it becomes. The whole holiday seemed different to me. It did not seem like Christmas either. It came and went so fast. 

I guess it's the feeling that you used to get that's missing. Christmas used to be a relaxing time, where family members came together after opening presents on Christmas morning. You used to set around and laugh and talk, watch the Christmas parade on TV as the kids went outside to play and try out their new toys. There was the smell of winter in the air as you walked out the door to watch the kids play. A nice clean crisp smell. It was silent in the neighborhood as all the other families were doing the same thing. Then as your standing outside you would sigh as you felt all the pressures of Christmas disappear. The holiday spirit was alive and well in the old days. But not anymore. 

Why you ask?

Because, everyone is so busy now days, Nobody slows down during the holidays anymore. There is always something to do, somewhere to go, someone to text, and something to watch. No one seems to have time for a family gathering anymore. You just bounce from house to house and see who you can before you have to go back to work the next day. I used to work for Presto Industries, and before Christmas we would get a healthy bonus, a turkey, and time off to spend with the family. We didn't have to go back to work until after New Years. Those were the days. The whole world has changed in such a short time. Take Texting for instance.  Just the other day at work I was told by a person that they received a smart phone for Christmas. 
and was told that now they could talk into the phone and it would type a message to the person that their calling. Doe's that sound stupid or is it just me. Why don't you just talk to the person your calling. Your already calling them. Is everything that secret anymore that we cant talk to each other. Or maybe it's that technology has made us too lazy anymore. We can just write a text saying Merry Christmas and send it to everybody in a matter of seconds. That way we don't have to write anything.  

Well I must go for now, but I will be back. Until then, have a very happy and generous New Year. 

See Ya. 

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Relax, its the New Year

I was told to just relax, it's the New Year. How the hell can you relax when your knee deep in bills, or the crap as some would say. I think that Christmas kinda drained the old bank account if you know what I mean. But Christmas only comes once a year and you have to make it good for the Kids, or grand kids if you got em.

Want to hear something wild? I am 44 years old and have 9 grand kids. I married my wife when I was 21 years old. She had 4 kids at the time and after a while we had one more. So I have been taking care of 5 kids of varying ages since I was 21. So maybe that is where my massive amounts of gray hair come from. And maybe it could also have something to do with my being over weight. It seems that the more I don't eat the more i gain. In the day I could not gain weight if I tried, and believe me I tried. I could eat 4 plates of food and never gain an inch. Now I just look at food and gain pounds. Whats up with That.

We have been living in the same house since 1990. I never thought that we would be in this house that long. I always wanted to get a newer more modern house, like my dream house from my childhood. That would be a newer more modern house like a large Victorian from say the 1860 s. So it is not so new or modern but that would be what I like. Although, that is not what we have. We have a so so house on 1 acre of land. On the land we have a creek that runs through our back yard. Also, we have trees that are over 200 years old in my back yard lining the creek. It's not that bad just stuck in the far corner with a trailer park directly in front of us. So no privacy at all.

Here's a picture of our back yard.

There are four of my grand kids sitting by the creek in our back yard. Here is another one of the goat pin that I built in our back yard. You can see the trailers in the back ground.

And finally, here is a picture of our house taken from the goat pin. 

And last but certainly not least, the reasons for the season. That's right, The Grand Kids.

So, I guess that Christmas is not so bad. And I do believe that next year will not be that bad either. So If your feeling bad, or depressed and you need a reason to go on.  Remember all the good things that happened last year and all the good people that helped you through it. And remember that this year will bring the same happiness if you let it. But for now.

Relax,,,   Its The New Year.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Just wanted to wish everyone on here a very Merry Christmas. Or what ever you may celebrate. 

I myself am setting in front of my computer finally getting a break from the days activities. 
I am also sipping on a mix of rum and egg nog. pretty good combination. 

So to all, have a very merry after Christmas. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Yesterday started out like any other day. I woke up, got dressed, and went to work. Worked hard all day and returned home after work. Sounds normal right.
I then ate some dinner and set down with my granddaughter to watch polar express on the TV. As we were watching, a commercial came on and I thought that my granddaughter had walked in to be with her grandmother.  Although that was not the case.
My wife then entered the room as she was talking on the phone and asked me where our granddaughter was. I told her that I thought she was with her. My wife then turned to look for her calling her name. My granddaughter answered back quite quickly and told my wife that she was under the kitchen table.
You see my granddaughter is 3 years old, but very smart for her age. She really picks up on things fast. That’s why we really have to watch her close. And to give you a clue what happened next I will give you the title of the job my daughter chose to do. She is a dog groomer. She has also been taking our granddaughter to work with her for the past two weeks. Starting to get the picture now. If not here is another clue. A couple of days ago our granddaughter decided to crawl under the table to give our dog a hair cut. It turned out that she actually gave him a sort of reverse Mohawk. Now I bet your on the right track.
As my granddaughter answered back I heard my wife yell (OH MY GOD).  She must have yelled this statement about three to four times, each time getting a little louder than the next. I jumped up and ran into the kitchen to find my granddaughter scared to death by my wife’s yelling. And what do you think I found setting next to my granddaughter.  Next to my granddaughter was a big wad of hair.
That’s right it seems that my granddaughter has also turned into a groomer of sorts.  And as for her hair, it looks like a cross between a reverse Mohawk and the mushroom look with a touch of layering on top.
I finally got her to calm down. (my granddaughter and my wife) and there was nothing left to do but laugh.  My wife  freaked out because earlier, she had come home from a Christmas play that my other grandchild was in, and my granddaughter was all dressed up in her pretty little  Christmas cloths. Before my granddaughter got undressed my wife had taken some pictures of her to post online. My granddaughter, her clothes, and her pretty little pony tails. I guess she wont have those for Christmas.
What an ending to a good day.  At least it ended with a good laugh.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


I was going through some old pictures and found some photos and footage that I downloaded from our security cameras at Desert Suds Car Wash in Alamogordo NM. These photos and footage are not reproduced at all, Just downloaded from our DVR. Our cameras all have night time infrared. On the photos of the thing flying through our check out desk, There seems to be faces behind the thing.

Write me and tell me what you think it is. If you look close you can see like a little S line coming out the back of it. Then it looks like skulls following it.